Premium Spamfilter
Wil jij je eigen website, blog of webshop maken? Wij zetten alles voor je klaar zodat je snel aan de slag kan. Zo maak je makkelijk de website die jij wil zonder veel technische kennis. Doe de domeincheck en kies jouw webpakket!
- 99,9% Nauwkeurig
- Geen technische kennis vereist
SpamExperts spamfilter
...Inkomende e-mail filtering van hoge kwaliteit
Het inkomende premium mailfilter van van Domeinwinkel is gebaseerd op het SpamExperts spamfilter. Spam, virussen en phisihing worden vakkundig geëlimineerd voordat het je netwerk of computer bereikt. Het premium spamfilter blokkeert 99,9% van alle spam!
Hoe werkt het?
...Niets is makkelijker!
Zodra het is ingesteld kan je gebruik gaan maken van de simpele SpamPanel interface en hiermee heb je de volledige controle over je mail. Inkomende berichten worden real-time nauwkeurig geanalyseerd en gescand.

Waar gaat de spam heen?
...Makkelijk en inzichtelijk
Het unieke premium filter is zelflerend en begrijpt het inkomende spamgedrag in je mail zeer snel. Elk inkomend spambericht wordt in quarantaine gezet en dit kan je makkelijk beheren via de simpele SpamPanel interface.
Hoe kan ik het bestellen?
...In een paar eenvoudige stappen
Het enige wat je hoeft te doen is in je Domeinwinkel account de juiste domeinnaam selecteren, vervolgens kan je diensten toevoegen. Selecteer het premium spamfilter en reken af.
Zodra wij de betaling hebben ontvangen zorgen we ervoor dat het premium spamfilter wordt ingesteld, hiervoor hoef je niets te doen!
Heb je nog vragen?
...Wij staan voor je klaar
Heb je nog vragen? Neem een kijkje op onze supportpagina. Bekijk onze uitgebreide FAQ of stel je vraag aan onze support medewerkers!
The spam filter to block unwanted mail
Why would you use less resources to secure your mail than to secure your website? Securing your mail is at least as important as securing your website. That spam or phishing mail is easy to see and you will not fall for it has long been a thing of the past. Precisely because you can hardly distinguish these kinds of mails from the sincere mails, it is very important that you use a good spam filter.
Block 99.9% of all spam with the Premium Spam Filter!
The Domain Spam Premium Spam Filter is inspired by Spam experts. The filter will block unwanted mail. In addition, all malicious spam, viruses and phishing files are eliminated before they reach your inbox. Messages are continuously analyzed and scanned so that you can safely open your inbox and keep busy with other important matters. The beauty of this spam filter is that you do not need any technical knowledge, we set everything up for you so that you can get started right away.
Easily manage your own Spam filter.
When the filter detects spam messages, they are first quarantined. You can easily manage these messages from your SpamPanel overview. The filter is self-learning and will quickly understand what is and what is not spam. In this way it will stop as much spam mail as possible.
The Premium Spam Filter is also easy to order at Domeinwinkel. You select the relevant domain name in your account overview, after which you select 'Add services' to add the Premium Spam filter. We set this up for you, so you do not have to do anything yourself.
Also opt for extra mail security at Domainwinkel!
Domainwinkel has a very reliable spam filter to block unwanted mail. It even stops 99.9% of all spam! At Domeinwinkel you can use the Premium Spam filter for only € 1.50 per month. You also benefit from the other many advantages of Domainwinkel. This way you can use our fast and personal support. We are also 100% Dutch. Our servers are 100% ours and are therefore close to our head office so that we have everything in our own hands. For the best spam filter, you should therefore go to Domainwinkel.